Beard Dandruff

Beard Dandruff : “What causes it and how can I get rid of it?”

A full beard is a strong look, but one problem you’re likely to face along your beard-growing journey is beard dandruff, or Mandruff – itchy, dry, flaky skin beneath your beard.

In this post we’ll take a deep-dive into the causes of this irritating condition. We’re also going to supply you with the knowledge and products to fix it.


Beard Hair vs Head Hair

 Put simply, if you want to avoid Mandruff, it’s essential to take care of beard hair differently to the hair on your head.

Beard hair is androgenic. That’s a fancy word with a simple meaning. Unlike head hair, which starts to grow from the moment we’re born, androgenic hair is stimulated by testosterone and grows during and after puberty. This puts facial hair in the same category as other body hair like chest, armpits, private parts, ears and nose.

So, your beard is growing-out nicely, yet you find yourself scratching at your cheeks and chin. Your shirt is sprinkled with snowflakes and the whole thing reminds you of the dandruff from an irritated scalp.

Don’t panic.

Keep your style goals in mind, educate yourself on how to tackle the problem, and back away from that razor.  You’ve come too far to turn back now.


Everyone’s skin and hair is unique, so there’s more than one reason why beards and the skin beneath them can become flaky and irritated. Keep reading to soak up the knowledge and advice HD Beard has gathered over the last 20 years in the industry.


Stopping shaving: The Itch-Phase


When you first decide to stop shaving and let your beard grow out, it’s common knowledge that you’re going to experience an Itch-Phase. But do you know why this happens?

Shaving leaves a sharp point at the end of each beard hair, right down at skin-level by the sensitive follicle. This sharp point scratches the follicle on the way out and can cause quite extreme itching, reddening and sore skin leading to Mandruff and irritation.

The first key to reducing this phase comes while you’re still shaving. It’s essential to use a good quality shaving gel like HD Beard Man Shave, in combination with a hot towel. This dreamy duo opens your pores and lubricates your skin for a clean, close shave. The cleaner the shave, the less chance there is of any excess irritation from nicks, cuts and ingrown hairs that can make the Itch-Phase even worse.

In an ideal world each shave should be followed by Man Balm. The natural ingredients in Man Balm keep your skin hydrated, nourished and healthy. This helps to maintain good blood flow to the skin and strengthens your follicles in the ongoing battle against irritation.

Man Balm is your most effective weapon against the Itch-Phase once you’ve left the razor behind, so keep a bottle handy and keep applying until your stubble grows out.


Cleaning and cleansing

 Beyond the Itch-Phase, the main cause of Mandruff is a skin condition called Seborrheic Dermatitis, which is the scientific name for dandruff.

This pesky affliction can be triggered by a whole range of different things – from dirt and pollution build up on the surface of the skin, to the use of badly formulated or inappropriate products, an excess of natural oils, or a common fungus called malassezia.

Despite these complex causes, a consistent hygiene routine provides bullet-proof protection for most men. What really makes the difference is the quality of your products. Healthy, hydrated skin is the goal here, and that’s where HD Beard will really help you shine.

To prevent Mandruff and to treat it once it crops up, try following this checklist:

  • Bathe or shower every day or every other day at a minimum
  • On days when you can’t shower, wash your beard with warm water
  • DO NOT use hair shampoo on your beard.
  • Always use a specially formulated product with natural ingredients like HD Beard Peppermint and Lemon Beard Shampoo. Regular shampoos will really mess with your beard’s natural oil balance – a common cause of Mandruff
  • Limit the length of time in the shower and avoid extremely hot water, as this will wash away too much natural oil and dry out follicles
  • Use products with naturally hydrating ingredients like aloe vera and nut oils. HD Beard products contain these and they are far superior to harsh, synthetic alternatives.




Consistency is King.

Once you’ve got your hygiene routine dialled-in and you’ve grown your beard to the length and style you want, it’s time for the final piece of the puzzle; maintenance.

 HD Beard products have really got your back in this department.

Man Scrub exfoliates the skin and helps to remove dirt and impurity build-up from beneath your beard, creating a strong foundation.

Pro-tip: exfoliate with Man Scrub on your face in the shower before applying Beard Shampoo, for an ultra deep cleanse.

Next, our range of Beard Oils lock in moisture and bring high performance natural ingredients to the table, nourishing your beard and giving it long-lasting shine, a full appearance, smooth texture and seductive natural aromatics too.

Last, but by no means least, HD Beard Bergamot with Mandarin Beard Butter gives you the power to control your moustache and beard once it gets to longer, wilder times. This top-notch product nourishes and softens your beard hairs while caring for your skin and helping you smell incredible.

All that’s left is for you to get out there and take on the world.


Long-lasting results

 A strong, healthy beard, free of Mandruff and impurities is a great way to add a masculine edge to your style, and HD Beard is here to help you through the rough patches you might come across. Stick with us, we got your back.

Mandruff is one thing, but some skin conditions can require medical attention. Never hesitate to contact your doctor if things get bad. Stay safe out there.

Big love.

HD Beard.